Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chapter 4 Note Taking

Question:Write down the names of characters involved, as well as where and when the story is taking place at this point in the text. Next, write down questions you have about the story or characters, and any questions about the reading that you did not understand and would like clarification.

  Prediction: Write down your prediction for what you think will happen next in the story. Don’t forget to explain what happened in this chapter that helped you form this prediction.
Connection: Write down anything that you found familiar: either a situation you have experienced, a character that reminds you of someone, or an event from the story that is similar to something you have already read. *Remember to use good technology ethics! Do not expose names of people anyone could or would know. Use good judgement!

Summarize: Re-tell, in your own words, the main plot and important details of your reading. Your summary should not be more than about a paragraph, or 5-7 sentences.

Reflect: Write down any quotes, sayings, or moments that affect you in some way. So far, what do you think is the reason the author wrote this book? Are there any themes you recognize? Do you like the book so far? Why or why not? What changes could be made so that you understand or connect with the story better?

 Question: Why cant nobody enter into crooks room. Is he the only black person working there. If he wasn't would each black person get their own room? Just because he's different color, why cant they take him out? is there a law? He has been their for a long time to be treated like that , i would expect him to be consider like family. How can Curley's wife make crooks, hang up a tree? Who would be anything that comes out her mouth. How come George didn't bring Lennie out of town? Do you think that curley's wife regrets marrying him?

Prediction: I predicted that the guys will come back and George will be mad at Lennie for going into Crooks room, but than realized that he is a good man. Also he might let Crooks work for him if he do get the ranch. i also feel like Lennie is still going to sleep with Curly wife because she is very inserting. i also feel like they will let Crooks play cards and might even have friends to talk to.

Connection: I have a connection with a book called Summer of My German Solider. crooks and Aaron are very similar. They were both guys of different race. Crooks is an African American who is being treated differently because the color of his skin. Arron is being treated because he is a different race. The way that they are being treated is they are in different time period were society is being prejudice towards a grump.

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